Thursday, August 30, 2012

Woah, She Said the Same Thing You Said!

Admittedly I was never interested in joining the dating site Plenty of Fish (POF).  The name really grossed me out because it sounds so causal... Like "there are plenty of fish in the sea... to get with."  One night out of sheer boredom I joined to see what it was all about.

I put up on very unclear picture of my face because I wanted to remain as anonymous as possible on that site.  Within hours my mailbox was flooded with messages from all kinds of guys.  I decided the next day to meet one of them who seemed really eager to meet me.  He was very tall, a profesional, of a good age and seemed friendly enough.  We agreed to meet at a bar on the roof of a fancy hotel.

He was good looking, talkative, presented as interested in getting to know me and we had a lot in common.  But something felt off.  I didn't feel entirely attracted to him.  He seemed distracted, he kept looking around as though he had ADHD and it was really turning me off.

After about an hour of talking, he mentioned it was getting late and asked if I needed to go home.  I told him I could stay a little bit longer as I was enjoying our conversation.  He got a blanket from our waitress (this trendy and hip rooftop bar comes equipt with blankets for cuddling dates) and we cuddled a little bit.

Literally 3 minutes after we began cuddling, a woman came up to us.  Her hands were placed on her hips and she looked angry, but I couldn't tell if she was joking or not.  My first thought was that she was one of his friends and he didn't say hello to her when he walked in.  Boy was I wrong!

"What the FUCK are you doing here?  (Looks at me)  Did you know he has a girlfriend?  Did you know *I* am his girlfriend?

Calmly I said, "Um, I just met him tonight."

She looks back at him and says, "Get your shit out of my fucking house.  YOU ARE A FUCKING ASSHOLE!"

And she stormed off.

I sat in silence for a full minute.  I finally said, "Um, what was that?"

"We're on the rocks."  He said.

I then got about 5 different stories clumsily muddled together.  He started with telling me they were on a break.  I asked if they were living together (ala "get your shit out of my fucking house") and he said no.  Then he mentioned he was living with her but he was taking a break and staying with his parents while they were fighting.  Next thing I know, he tells me he's been really nice to her lately so she probably thinks they are still together.

I ask him how she found us here. "She's psycho!  I had a feeling she'd come here."  I concluded that his level of distraction must have been because he was wondering if she'd show up by following the bread crumbs he left for her.  I have about 5 theories on how she found us but I'm too lazy to type them all out right now. 

She began texting him and I tell him it's fine to respond while I'm there.  She was asking him to come over to talk that night and he asked me if he should do it.  I made a joke about mediating for the two of them, and he exclaimed, "Great idea!  Why not?"  I couldn't believe this dude!  What crack was he smoking?

I talked to him for about 20 minutes and I learned a lot about their relationship. It was pretty sad actually.  He said that she had horrible insomnia and would wake up all grumpy, yell at him, and look in the mirror and cry about how old she was getting.  He eventually told me he was staying with her "kinda of" while he was "seeing what else was out there" because she did have SOME good qualities and he wasn't sure if he should totally break it off with her just yet.  I told him it's a really good idea to break up with someone BEFORE you start dating other people.  "It's not like I was sleeping with any of the people I've met while we've been together!"  Saving grace, my friend.  Real smart.

He walked me to my car.  He gave me a hug goodbye.  He then got another text from his non-girlfriend/girlfriend. 

"Woah, she said the same thing you said!  That I should have broken up with her before dating other people!"

You think Einstein?

Since then he's written me a few times to tell me he's done with her for good.  I caved in and we're now in a loving and monogamous relationship based on honesty, trust and communication. 

SIKE!  I'm never responding to this guy.  Ever. 

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