Wednesday, August 29, 2012

If I Don't Have Male Children, There's Going to Be Some Disappointment.

Here's an in person story for you.  I've been online dating for over 10 years, not because I'm ugly or weird but because I'm shy when it comes to dating.  The stories are fascinating and endless, but I'll start with this one for tonight.

I began writing to Tom on OkCupid.  He looked cute in his pictures but I had a sneaking suspicion that he didn’t look like them… So upon chatting online I asked him to text me another picture of himself.  Yikes, he didn’t look the same at all.  Not attractive!  But I met up with him anyway.   

We met at a very fancy restaurant.  I wasn’t attracted to him and I knew it right away.  We talked and he kept referring to himself as “an eternal bachelor.”  He told me how he only has condiments in his fridge and a bottle of milk, that he doesn't know how to cook and buys all his meals out.  "I don't exercise anymore and I've gained 15 pounds recently.  I make a lot of money at my job but I spend it all on food."  Super hot, dude!  You're really turning me on!  

Next came the gender role reversal, it was really hot, kind of like that fantasy I've always had about getting with a tranny. “I wanted to have kids before my grandfather passed away, but THAT didn’t happen.”  He went on to tell me that male sperm begins to decline after the age of 30, and that he’s 32 and is becoming increasingly concerned about his own sperm.  

"There's going to be some disappointment if I don't have male children," he said over dinner.

"Who's going to be disappointed?  Your dad?"

"Me," he exclaimed.  "The bloodline is passed down through males, and I will be very disappointed if I don't have male children to pass down my bloodline."

"Don't women have bloodlines as well?"  I asked.

"It's not the same thing.  The bloodline is passed down through the males."

Lord, he killed the boner I didn't have for him.  I wanted to go home, I felt terrible not being attracted to him.  It made me dizzy and sad to be on a such a nice date with someone I felt nothing for.  He walked me to my car, told me he didn’t want to let me leave.  Asked me what I was doing over the weekend and the next night.  I told him I wasn't sure and to text me.  

That night I came home and went on OKCupid.  I realize it's pretty rude to log on right after a fancy date with someone, but jeez these sites can be addicting.  Apparently he's addicted as well because he was on at the same time.  He sent me an instant message saying, “So, what’s the prognosis?”  I promptly signed off and vowed to deal with it the next day.   

The next day I sent him a text: 

Thank you for the lovely dinner.  I had a great time meeting you and I think you are a great person, but I don’t feel a romantic connection.

  I never heard back.

 I hope he finds someone to have boys with and pass that stellar bloodline down, I really do.

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