OKCupid has the option of adding someone as your "favorite," and it used to have the option of letting them know you've "chosen" them. As a woman using online dating to find potential partners, one thing I often do is "favorite" someone to let them know I like them, but I don't make the first move to write them because it feels like I'm stepping out of line with my gender role. I figure, if they are interested they will write me when they see I've "favorited" them.
There was an attractive guy I added as a favorite many months ago but didn't write him a message. He wrote me a charming little message directly after, and we had a delightful conversation that can only be described as the stereotypical rom-com "meet-cute."
Me: Haha you are straightforward! How's it going? I'm watching the Super Bowl with my family but paying zero attention.
Him: That still doesn't answer my question.
Me: I added you as a favorite when I first joined. I looked at a lot of people, favorited some, let them know, and figured if a guy was interested they would be gentlemanly and write me first.
Him: Has nothing to do with being a gentleman. If you are going to act like an adult, then you'd contact the person if you are going to add them as a favorite.
Me: I don't think that has anything to do with being an adult, at least not for me. It has more to do with gender roles in my opinion. But thanks for yours.
No response. Months later, this Prince Charming forgot about our first interaction and engaged me in another one.
Him: Where do you live?
Me: (Place that I live, which will never be publicly revealed)
Him: I have a friend who lives right by there. How are you doing?
Me: I'm doing well, how are you?
Him: Not too bad. Although from reading your "multiple choice questions" I'm not sure how well we'd get along :(
Me: Oh yeah?
Him: Yeah, a couple of things we wouldn't click on
Me: That's normal in life. Like what in particular?
Him: Yes, but they are ones that aren't negotiable. They are deal breakers.
Well 1) you don't drink at all and 2) you wait 6 dates or more to have sex
Me: Ah. Right. So you are looking to get drunk and get laid on this site?
Him: Nope. I can get laid anywhere, that's not the issue. And having a drink doesn't mean getting drunk.
Me: Very true. What is your answer to the number of dates sex question?
Him: 1-2
Me: Wow. Do you you mind me asking why?
Him: Because both people know right away whether or not they want each other sexually. It is stupid in my option to wait and then find out that you don't click sexually. The longer someone waits, the less interested I am.
Me: Fair enough.
Him: I hope you find someone that is at your level.
Me: Thank you. Same to you.
Sigh. The glass slipper didn't fit this time. I really thought he may have been "the one." I cried myself to sleep for the next 6 nights.