Saturday, July 13, 2013

Prose to the World Wild Web

Whereas once my romantic life was determined by proximity-- junior high school classes, dorms, neighbors, friends of friends,
Now it is reliant on the World Wild Web...
And oh the webs I've weaved, taking silken matter from parts unknown, from territory I never thought I would trot...
A world of possibility, of hope, of despair, of passion and bliss.  Of chaos.
This generation exists so differently than any other part of history,
Whereas once coincidence was mystical, and romance organically sprouted,
Now here I am, staring at a glowing screen, judging by pictures and words, meeting in public for safety purposes.
Opening up to the world, the possibility of a "Craigslist Killer," or being "Catfished."
Opening up to the possibility of meeting someone I would normally never meet, someone so far outside my social circles, that meeting from online begins to feel like a different kind of fate, a newer, 21 century fate.
All extremes exist here, the inner selves come out to play, the selves hidden away when working in tightly fitting business attire behind stuffy little wooden desks, are free to roam.
The perverts, the romantics, the ashamed.  The seekers, the avoiders, the hedonists, the perpetual children, the picky, the cheaters, the hopeful.
It's all out there, it's all within me.  What is within is without.  What is without is within.  I am he as you are he as you are she and we are all together. 
And so this World Wild Web is a play thing, a game, an experiment.  As confusing as humanity itself.  As beautiful and ugly as each one of us is.  Because we created it.  And we are it.

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